Setco Restoration serves Fayette County, PA specializing in fire, smoke, water, and biohazard damage restoration. Click here for more information or call today!
Automobile Restoration-Antique & Classic The Manager of Setco Restoration Co. is Harold Seto Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Who can you trust to handle your personal belongs and restore your home after disaster strikes? Whether it is fire, smoke, water damage or biohazard cleanup, Setco Restoration is here for you, providing the personal service and attention you need to get your life back on track! We understand how stressful a traumatic situation can be for you. Let us handle the cleanup - you have enough to deal with. We will clean your home and personal items thoroughly and make sure that anything that can be saved isn’t discarded, but instead restored.
When disaster disrupts your life, you can always count on us to pick up the phone 24/7! Call us anytime. Our employees are friendly and will be there to help you every step of the way. Setco Restoration is focused, first and foremost, on customer satisfaction. For decades, we have taken great pride in providing our customers with the highest quality of service. Setco Restoration is committed to fast and reliable response time, quality craftsmanship, and reasonable pricing, by using Xactware Estimating Software.
Repair services, bodywork, motor car
Repair services, bodywork, heavy vehicle
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Setco Restoration Co. in Uniontown you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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