For over 30 years, Gregg and Karen have worked together to facilitate people of all ages, in all conditions, in their health and wellness.By focusing on the "WHOLE" individual (body, mind, and soul), healing is about to be internally and externally expressed and experienced.The mission has been effective for over 30 years, and will continue to transform the lives of many -naturally! Our natural healthcare services include; Holistic therapy, colonic, craniosacral, Hot Stone, Neuromuscular, Myofa
For over 30 years, Gregg and Karen have worked together to facilitate people of all ages, in all conditions, in their health and wellness.By focusing on the "WHOLE" individual (body, mind, and soul), healing is about to be internally and externally expressed and experienced.The mission has been effective for over 30 years, and will continue to transform the lives of many -naturally! Our natural healthcare services include; Holistic therapy, colonic, craniosacral, Hot Stone, Neuromuscular, Myofascial, Range of Motion, Reflexology, Somato Emotional Release, Trigger Point. Our wellness programs are focused on; Blood type diets, Hair Analysis, Natural Supplements, Herbal Homepathy, Rehabilitation and Exercise Programs. Chiropractic Care providing; Adjustments, electrotherapy, Orthotics and ultrasound whole body healing treatments. At Y'Darb Natural We've developed a line of “Natural Products” to enhance your life and protect your body from harmful chemicals used in many products today.
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