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Cataloxy Fairchance...Companies in FairchanceLeisure & TourismLeisure, culture and entertainmentLeisure and sports centresBarbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln.

Barbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln., Fairchance

Blush & Bobby Pins. Luxury bridal hair and makeup specialists for your wedding day. Eyelash extensions and Lash lifts.

Spas (Health) The Ceo of Barbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln. is Barbara Hartzel Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : With more than a decade of experience in event hair and makeup, editorial and runway, Stephanie's commitment is to always evolve her craft by continuing education with top leaders in the industry and some of the most prestigeous cosmetic lines in the world.
"My goal is to create warm, natural makeup using colors and textures that compliment each individuals unique skin tone, complexion and facial structure. Classic and romantic yet current and sexy. "
Stephanie's down to earth approach, ability to connect with her clients, and her commitment to delivering each client's vision pales only in comparison to her inherent natural ability.
Sports centres
Fitness centres

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Barbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln. in Fairchance you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 9 Jordan St
15436, Fairchance, Pennsylvania

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Barbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln. in other states:

Carmel, IN (Indiana), Fairchance, PA (Pennsylvania)

Category of Barbara Ann Hartzel Beauty Sln.:


wedding, carmel, airbrush makeup, bridal, bride, bridal hair, beauty, updo, hair
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