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C. Harper Buick GMC, Coburn


Your Buick and GMC Service Center (C. Harper Buick GMC)
C. Harper Buick GMC in Connellsville, PA.

Welcome to C. Harper Buick GMC! For over 35 years, we’ve been proud to provide drivers in Connellsville and Uniontown, PA, with quality vehicles and friendly customer service. From the stylish cars in our showroom to the experienced technicians in our service center, we’re here for all your automotive needs. Our showroom offers all sorts of options. As a Buick GMC dealership, we have lots of variety. You’ll find classic luxury cars, stylish SUVs, and trucks that are both tough and comfortable. You can view our full lineup of new, used, and certified pre-owned cars online anytime, too.

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 Phone: no specified
 Contact person: Kyle Barnett

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harper, buick, GMC, Brooks, Connellsville, Morgantown, Car, dealerships, dealers
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